The list below shows all current activity groups for the Guelph Newcomers Club with a brief description and a symbol indicating daytime or evening. Please note that some activity groups may have a wait list.
Brunch Bunch
Come join us for brunch and conversation once a month.
Lunch Bunch
Come and join a bunch of friendly ladies for lunch and friendship. A different restaurant chosen each month.
Singles Dinner Out
Come and join a group of ladies for dinner and a chat. We will choose a different restaurant each month.
Singles Potluck Dinner
Come and join a group of ladies for fun conversation over nibbles followed by a sit down meal.
Coffee Hour
Meet once a month for coffee and a chat, in a park, café or members home.
Table Talk
A dinner out club for members, with or without their spouse, partner, or friend. We will be visiting restaurants with a wide range of cuisines monthly.
Travel Group: Ladies on The Loose
Are you interested in:
Talking about travel, been somewhere and would like to share photos and stories about your trip.
Looking for information on travel destinations, such as tours, accommodations etc.
Looking for a travel buddy on your next adventure?
Meanderthals Walking Group
Walk once a week exploring the park trails of Guelph.
Trail Blazers Walking Group
Weekly hikes exploring the trails in and around Guelph.
Women meet once a month to discuss novels current and classic, fiction and nonfiction. Taking turn as hosts and facilitators.
Book Boomers Book Club
Happy Bookers Book Club
Novel Characters Book Club
Page Turners Book Club
Timeless Treasure Book Club
Evening book club
A game of dice played in rounds.
We are a group of fun-loving bridge players who meet twice a month.
Members take turns hosting a bi-weekly game of cards.
Daytime Euchre
Member take turns hosting a group of four once a month for a friendly game of euchre.
Evening Euchre
Members take turns hosting a group of four once a month for a friendly game of euchre.
Out & About
We visit various places of interest in and around Guelph to introduce Newcomers to each other and to the community. This might be a Historical walking tour, attending community theatre or touring research greenhouses at the University.
Golf Gals
Golf season runs May to October. We encourage new members regardless of your skill level.
Movie Lovers
If you are a movie lover, this is the group for you. We get together two or three times a month at either the Bookshelf Cinema or the Galaxy to enjoy the latest, oldest or most interesting movies.
Knattering Knitters
The Knattering Knitters are women with varying degrees of knitting experiences. At our meetings we tend to do more “knattering” than knitting but, by year’s end, we produce hundreds of items that are donated to charities. Bring your own project or knit for charity.
Annual General Meeting/Wine & Cheese Social – A get together in September to review the previous year and look to the year ahead.
Teddy Bear Tea – Club event November to gather and donate items and funding for Salvation Army Christmas Hamper Program.
Holiday Luncheon – Come celebrate the holidays with us in December.
Games Day – An event to shake off the winter blues in February.
Spring Fling – Let’s cast off the winter cobwebs and celebrate spring with a gathering in April.
Summer Solstice – Before we all head off to enjoy the summer, let’s get together for an outing in June.
Want to try an activity with the Guelph Newcomers Club before making the commitment to join? Please contact [email protected] and our membership coordinator will have the convenor contact you will the details. Visit the membership page for more details.
Have an interest and want to start a new group? If you see an opportunity for starting a new activity group, then please think about setting it up once you are a member. The executive will support you.